About Us
An Introduction to Berz Digital Marketing

Andrew J. Berz
Welcome to our website.
Berz Digital Marketing is an outlier–a digital marketing company who focuses on increasing our client’s revenue and sales but offers personalized customer service, reliability and professionalism.
Education & Experience
Post Graduate:
Graduated University of San Diego School of Law (USD), Juris Doctor (JD), 1994
California Bar Exam Passed, 1994
University of San Diego School of Business, MBA Special Student Program, Joint Program with Law/Business
International Business Marketing, 1994
Organizational Behavior, 1994
Graduated University of California at Berkeley, BA Political Science, High Honors (3.5 years)
Graduated University of California at Berkeley, BA Rhetoric, Honors (3.5 years)
Private Sector (previous)
Owner, Berz Gallery of African Art (22 years)
Owner of 11 art galleries selling pre-1940 authentic African art, among a handful of elite American gallery owners in this sector, sales in excess of 50M over 2 decades. Final years created an innovative digital platform and digital marketing infrastructure which eliminated need for brick and mortar galleries. Built extensive and comprehensive SEO and digital marketing strategy executed in multiple language-based global markets.
Frequently Asked Questions for A. Berz
A combination of two main factors.
First, running a large art gallery business was hectic and I was getting tired of the international travel and what it took to run art galleries.
In the early internet years we made the decision to move the whole show online. The challenges in those early days gave insight into fundamental digital marketing practice in a very difficult industry. How does one convey the spirit of a piece of artwork to someone seeing it on a screen? How does one reach our target market? What tools do we need to sell online? I loved the challenge and when success came, I dug deeper.
Second, and maybe most importantly, we were “burned” or “cheated” by online providers who either overpromised, were unreliable and not dependable, or simply didn’t know what they were doing. I realized that if we, who were more knowledgable than most, were having this experience, there was a huge need for folks in other sectors to have reliable, capable digital marketing providers.
Businesses who have had “real world” success, but aren’t seeing it translated digitally. Companies that have a great operation, whether service or e-commerce, and can handle growth. And we only work with companies who have resources to be successful. No drama.
Great question–this is as important as anything. We select our clients with great care and work with good people.
We do not work with impatient, aggressive people. We won’t work with people who are not kind or caring. Everything good happens through collaboration. A client who comes to us for help but thinks they know how to do our job is certainly entertaining–but not a fit for us. If we are considering a client, they should know that once we are on board, their success is non-negotiable, so they don’t need to freak out. It’s priority. We feel their urgency.
Another good question. If you want steady information and communication, ask them if they work weekends, evenings, nights. Ask them if they pick up the phone or respond to a text message. Know what you want. It’s almost a certainty you know what you don’t want. Watch out for volume operators who assign account managers. And lastly, if it’s cheap, it won’t work. You have to spend money to make money and this game is about resources, talent, and teamwork.
I work a lot because I have a lot of mouths to feed and enjoy making people money. Quality time with my wife, child, and extended family. Exercise, meditation, yoga, movies, delicious food, including spicy food. Cultivating presence.
We have been blessed with a magical, precious son with severe special needs. He’s now 16 (at the time of writing).
Complex seizure disorder, autism, sensory processing disorder, severe anxiety. There is no “cure”. It puts everything into context and makes my work more important, because our child requires enormous resources to have a good quality of life. But love doesn’t cost anything, so there’s that as well.